
About Me

My name is Genevieve Alberti, a student at the University of Minnesota, where I'm majoring in Art and minoring in Asian Languages and Literature. I've created this blog to share my art and other creative works, my thoughts, and snippets from my life.

As an artist, I haven't yet found one style or medium that I like best, so I do a lot of experimentation. I've dabbled in sculpture, printmaking, animation, video editing, graphic design, painting, digital art, photography, drawing and more, and I love all of it.

Besides art, my interests lie in comparative mythology, adaptations of classic gothic horror literature; ancient civilizations, cultures and art history; the intricacies and history of the Tarot, and Japanese language and pop culture. I'm not sure what sort of career I would like to pursue, artistic or otherwise, but as an autodidact and avid researcher I could easily see myself going into academics.

My hobbies include reading, surfing the web, researching my interests, hanging out with friends and family, keeping up with my favorite shows, playing computer games, and generally being pretty awesome.